Logotipo del Museo Patio Herreriano

Asociación Colección Arte Contemporáneo and Colección de Arte Contemporáneo Español de Naturgy - English

The “Colección Arte Contemporáneo” is the result of the effort of a large group of Spanish private enterprises which in 1987, encouraged by Julian Trincado, made a commitment to contribute to the conservation and spreading of the Spanish artistic heritage through the creation of a collection of contemporary art. With this collection they intended to respond, on the one hand, to the request for patronage and protection of the emerging and maturing Spanish contemporary art scene and, on the other hand, to the task of recovering and appreciating the brilliant history of our avant-garde which is so little known, by recovering many of these works. The general coordinator of the collection in these years, Jose Félix de Rivera, incited to this task and also fulfilled it.

Nowadays the “Colección Arte Contemporáneo” has gathered a collection of 851 sculptures, paintings and works on paper in which most of the Spanish artists of the 20th and 21st century are represented and in which the “Fondo Ángel Ferrant”, consisting of sculptures, drawings and the documental archive of this important artist of the first half of the past century, is a highlight. The collection has developed its diffusion task with over 900 loans to some 150 institutions and museums all over the world and has also organized 22 exhibitions with its own funds in and out of Spain in order to achieve one of its main objectives: putting the collection in the service of the society.

From its start the collection could count on the advice of a commission that consists of the most distinguished specialists in Spanish art history: Antonio Bonet Correa, Valeriano Bozal and Simon Marchán Fiz. The “Colección Arte Contemporáneo”, which in the beginning focused on patronage and the stimulation of the art market in Spain, far exceeded this objective. Since January 2000, after surrending the funds to the Patio Herreriano, it has been possible for the public to enjoy these works of art permanently.

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